An announcement of a wonderful new current awareness Web site just came in via my medical librarian list-serv, from Duke Medical Center Librarian Connie Schardt, President of the Medical Library Association and who quotes from the Clinical Reader site:
"At this moment, high impact research and health news articles are scattered across hundreds of sites. That´s far too much for any reader to follow.Welcome to Clinical Reader, a truly quality collection of accessible clinical, scientific and health literature aiming to ease information delivery to the medical community. Focus your time, discover new links, fine-tune your online experience in a bid to effectively manage online clinical browsing. Our regularly updated content features the latest articles from high impact factor and popular journals, health news sources and prime multimedia content. Headlines are swiftly visualized and seamlessly linked to abstract or full content articles to keep our community aware of current research, trends and analysis. Login with Athens to further enhance your online experience."
very cool!
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