The SHU Library has added LibGuides to our resources and offers subject guides to help you search a favorite subject area or look at some quick research techniques to use with our resources. You'll discover that Libguides hold the key to more effective searching, useful collections of links, book lists, research help, multimedia, RSS feeds, customized search results, and other information useful to faculty and students alike.The LibGuides format offers a standard platform to give Sacred Heart University students and faculty useful help with research topics, book lists, searching tips, and other information that should get you to the information you need. LibGuides are used widely by the best librarians to package information and provide knowledge using a variety of features from blogs, social bookmarking tools, wikis, and other venues - and they even integrate with Blackboard and Facebook. Come back and visit over the next few months to sharpen you search skills or tap into the latest in health information. You might hear about an amazing and reliable health related Web site or database that's new to you, or you might enjoy commenting on some of our many new health sciences books or evidence-based search technique.